Sunday, August 9, 2020

Seeing the Blessings

There was this one year...oh was more like five years, when almost every week something would happen that would feel like this!  It's that 'oh my word - are you kidding me?' feeling!   (by the way, isn't she adorable)?

Why is it that we often can't see the blessings that come from walking through trials until we are through the trial - or at the least - towards the end of it?  It was five years of employment frustrations, health frustrations, worrying over many things.  It was HARD!  But these are some of the things that as we reflected back over that time that we learned.  These things that have become part of who we are.

  • No matter what we have to do, we can't do it alone!
  • Prayer works.  Our personal prayers and the prayers of others in our behalf.
  • Faith is sustaining.
  • God loves us, knows us and wants what is best for us.
  • There is great power in priesthood blessings.
  • Having righteous priesthood leaders is a strength - a bishop, a ministering teacher, etc.
  • Personal revelation is real and necessary.
  • The importance of relying on our family members and close friends.
  • Forgiving is vital to moving forward.
  • Recognizing that there is evil around us - the adversary won't stop at trying to get to us.
  • It's ok to ask others for help.
  • Our prayers - for ourselves and for others - need to be very specific and heartfelt.
  • Those that be with us are greater than those that be with 'them'.  
  • Ways are provided for our escape.
  • Our burdens have been made light, and our ability to bear them has increased.
  • Don't hold on to what is holding you back. Don't look back.  Move forward.
  • Don't let how others treat us affect who we are.
  • Let go and let God....  there are some things that we just need to turn over to Him.
  • Don't let our doubts and fears block the blessings that our Father in Heaven desires to give to us.
  • Look for and appreciate the blessings that we have.  Enjoy the vistas even when the journey is difficult.
  • Fasting brings spiritual strength.
  • The temple can bring peace and strength - answers and confirmation of answers often come while in the temple.    
What are some lessons learned or blessings you have received because of trials in your life?

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Look Ahead and Believe!

We are certainly living in times of trouble...

I mean, 2020 has been anything but perfect...

It's so easy to get stuck in the negatives - the worldwide pandemic, mask debates, toilet paper shortages, floods, fires, earthquakes, killer hornets, lock downs, social distancing (which I prefer to call physical distancing because admit it - we're social people),  businesses closing, job loss, not allowed to go to church or to school, (but riots are ok)....

But - what are some of the positive things that have happened?  Families have bonded because they've been able to worship together at home.  Because sports were banned for a time, there was no going to and fro from soccer, to baseball, to track to volleyball....there was more time at home.  I tried to buy a bike for myself this spring.  Impossible as the stores were sold out.  Fun family games and puzzles were also disappearing from shelves at record speed.  Families have been spending more time together - studying, playing, praying, and not having the distractions of the world separating them.

In October 2013, Elder Edward Dube of the Seventy (in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), gave a talk titled 'Look Ahead and Believe'.  

I was in the Stake Relief Society Presidency at the time, and this talk resonated with us.  It became the theme for our Relief Society Conference that year.  We asked a very talented sister in our stake to sing a song of her choice that would go with the theme.  We had no idea that she would write the song herself!  But it was absolutely perfect...  With permission from Tracy L. Keeney - I share the lyrics:

Look Ahead and Believe

Israelites huddled in fear by the shore 'til Majesty parted the sea.
Peter stood chained in a dark prison cell, then angels came to set him free.
In your darkest hour...
Remember the dawn only comes after night.
Behind ev'ry cloud...
The sun is still shining a glorious light!

Look ahead and believe!  Have hope in what's to be.
Have hope in only He who can ease your burden.
Smile, raise your eyes - to Him who rules the skies and earth and sea.
Just look ahead - and believe!

In the sight of the Lord, it's not where we've been, but where we are willing to go.
Faith leads us forward, we don't look behind, as we journey the path leading home.
Leave the past far behind you...
No matter the struggle the trials or sin.
Let His hope fill and inspire you....
Embrace what's to come as you come unto Him!

(Repeat chorus)

In his talk, Elder Dube quoted Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:

“The past is to be learned from but not lived in. We look back to claim the embers from glowing experiences but not the ashes. And when we have learned what we need to learn and have brought with us the best that we have experienced, then we look ahead and remember that faith is always pointed toward the future (“The Best Is Yet to Be,” Ensign, Jan. 2010, 24; or Liahona, Jan. 2010, 18).

No matter how dark it is, or feels right now, know that it need not last.  Look to God.  Rely on Jesus Christ.  Know there are better days ahead.  

Seeing the Blessings

There was this one year...oh was more like five years, when almost every week something would happen that would feel like this!  I...